Sunday, March 22, 2009

Leek tart

We buy fresh veggies from Angel Valley Farm at their Saturday morning farm stand in Jonestown, TX. Last week in their newsletter they included a recipe for a Leek Tart. I changed it only slightly, by substituting half green garlic for half the leeks and added prosciutto. Came out great!

bad lighting.. whole quiche

slice of tart

Monday, March 9, 2009


I made lasagna for dinner Saturday and it came out good enough for a picture or two.

4 servings of lasagna

A close up of the nicely browned cheese, so tasty.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

new camera, some moon pictures

I've been playing with the new camera for the past couple weeks. Not exclusively but more than I have been cooking. Here are a couple of examples.

Moon in the middle of the day.

Same day but during the evening.

Lost the blue of the sky in this one.

Can still that the sky wasn't really black yet here.

way over processed image that wasn't really very sharp to begin with.